Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well, the time is finally coming when Sadee is to turn 1 year old. It brings tears to my eyes everytime I think about it. Today I just looked through all the pictures of her birth and it truly does feel like just yesterday. That little seven pound 14 ounce baby that I held in my arms on day one is now a beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed princess that loves to get into everything. She isn't quite walking yet but is showing much interest when I walk her around the living room while holding her hands. She knows how to say "uh-oh", "no", "Mama" and "Dada". She understands a whole bunch too! Like just last week, I told her to throw something and she did! I hadn't realized that she knew what that meant! She knows what bath means and food and drink and will try to bark everytime she sees our dog Maverick. And a new thing that she just started doing practically yesterday is she is obsessed with socks. Everytime she finds a sock or two lying on the floor, I will catch her concentrating very hard on trying to put it on her foot...even if she is already wearing a sock! If she is unsuccessful, she will then come to me and yell in my face while holding the sock up so I can see it and once I do put the sock on she just giggles and crawls off and goes on about her business. The first time she did this is cracked me up.

Kaily on the other hand deserves a big gold medal for being the best big sister in the world. She is always excited when Sadee is up from a nap and when she comes home from a sleepover at Sissi and Bud's house. When Kaily is gone, Sadee misses her and you can see it in how she reacts when Kaily leaves. It's like she's lost. Kaily is so patient with her and that just makes me feel wonderful. Anyway, next Sunday is Sadee's first birthday party at our house so pics will be up on here sometime following that day! It will take all my will power to not cry when we sing her Happy Birthday for the first time. Sniff Sniff...

So these pictures that I am posting in this blog is actually from just last night. Scott and I were cooking dinner and she had been playing in the toy room for quite some time. While we were sitting down eating we all of a sudden noticed that Sadee was no longer in the toy room when she had just been there a minute before. So we started looking around and I finally found her in the kitchen like this. Apparently she has now learned that there are cabinets and drawers within her reach and you could tell she was proud of herself for finding it. Luckily we don't keep anything dangerous in that one! Enjoy!

1 comment:

The Fennell Family said...

I've been thinking about Sadee turning one a lot lately and I just can't believe it! Maddi is obsessed with socks and shoes too and it started at about Sadee's age. She still loves them and will try to put a shoe on over shoes she is already wearing. They are so cute at this age! And that is too funny about the drawer! She looked so proud of herself. I can't wait until her party!